
Class 6

Year 6 – Our Time to Shine


At Norton, our time with your children is precious and Year 6 is our showcase year: it provides the children with the opportunities to shine like the Norton Stars they are. The knowledge, skills and understanding they have developed over the seven years culminates in the most stimulating, challenging and exciting year of their lives- so far. 


This is a vitally important year for our children as they grow in confidence and independence. We have high expectations of the children and they understand that, as role models, they are able to make a real positive impact to the school community.


Reading - we expect children to be reading regularly at home. The benefits of reading- both academic and social- are immeasurable. Reading Records should be in school every day and should be signed weekly by parents.  Children are welcome to borrow books from our class or school library. If ever they are finding it difficult to find a book to read, I am more than happy to offer them a suggestion. Failing this, the link below takes you to ‘100 recommended books for Year 6’. You are by no means confined to this list, but it is a good place to start.




Our PE sessions this term are on Mondays. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit.

In Year 6, we have the opportunity to take part in a residential trip. This year we will be visiting PGL Liddington. This is an incredible opportunity to challenge ourselves, acquire new skills and participate in outdoor learning opportunities.


Our time at Norton is celebrated at the end of the year with an end of year production, Leavers’ Assembly and a Leavers’ Service at Gloucester Cathedral. These provide us with fond memories, which we take with us to our new school. No matter where our life’s journey leads, we know that Norton has prepared us to thrive in modern Britain.