

Our PSHE curriculum intent
To equip our children with the skills they need to thrive in modern Britain, we strive to teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships and lifestyles in our wider world, including SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) and British values. The United Nations Global Goals work alongside our school STAR values as a common thread throughout our PSHE curriculum.We have embedded inspiring role models, stories and issues within our curriculum that actively promote the challenge of stereotypes, break barriers and explore ‘big’ questions.
Our PSHE curriculum implementation
Most of our PSHE lessons are taught through a children’s book or media clip. Our lessons happen weekly with the class teacher. The class learning journeys evidencing class discussions, tasks and learning in their PSHE books. RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) will be taught from Year 2 upwards in Spring 1 term to ensure that all children get educated about their physical, emotional and mental development according to their age before they leave our school. All parents are invited into school prior to the teaching of this unit to see our resources and curriculum content. E-safety is supported by both the PSHE and Computing curriculum. And is a recurrent theme for lessons throughout the year.